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Automatic Exhaust Fans: An Ally in Humidity Control

Is it necessary for homes or businesses to have automatic exhaust fans? At first glance, a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system may appear to simply bring air into a home or business space. This includes fresh air, heated or cooled air, and the air flow put into a room when an HVAC system is in service. However, it is important to appreciate what is pulled out of a room to maintain comfort and air quality. A good HVAC system removes stale air, unpleasant odors, dust, indoor air pollutants, moisture, and other unwanted contaminants. Being proactive and setting up a HVAC system to guard against issues is the best way to establish a happy and healthy home. 


The Damage Caused by Moisture

When it comes to air quality, moisture is a definite concern. Moisture can work against the health and safety of a home’s construction as well. Bathrooms are particularly susceptible to moisture issues. Hot showers introduce steam into the room, which then comes into contact with cooler air and condenses on any available surface, including countertops, floors, walls, and ceilings. As this cycle of steam and condensation is repeated over and over again, moisture begins to seep into the drywall or behind gaps in seals around the shower or bathtub. Combined with the heat of the room, it creates the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew to flourish, even out of sight. 


Mold and Mildew

Early signs of mold or mildew damage are peeling paint or wallpaper. Also, look for brown water stains on nearby walls or ceilings. Mold can be dark “stains” or “dirt” appearing in areas with a fuzzy texture. However, mildew can start as a gray, fuzzy spot that grows dark, or looks like a powder. Mildew and mold not only damage homes structurally, requiring extensive treatment and repair to remove, but it can negatively affect the health of any inhabitants. Mold and mildew cause headaches, fatigue, runny noses, and allergy symptoms in both humans and pets. People with allergies to either mold or mildew may experience severe reactions, making a house uninhabitable until the cause is removed. 

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Remove Excess Moisture

Guard against mold and mildew by removing excess moisture from the room. Any room that deals with condensation can become a host for mold or mildew, so it is best to inspect each room to see where moisture removal will be required. The most common rooms are bathrooms and laundry/wet rooms. The easiest way to help remove excess moisture is to open a window. This, however, is not always a viable option due to weather, safety, location, or if the room lacks a window. 


Exhaust Fans are a Great Option

Exhaust fans are an excellent addition to aid in moisture control in any room that needs it. Installing exhaust fans the ceiling or upper wall of a room is unobtrusive. When compared to a portable dehumidifier that requires floor or shelf space and an electrical plug (a highly valued commodity in any bathroom), this is especially true. To allow air to be vented outside the home, these fans require ductwork. We recommend working with your local, licensed HVAC service provider to select the most effective exhaust fan for your needs as well as provide proper installation. An improperly installed exhaust fan may end up venting moisture into an attic or interior wall. This only worsens moisture issues within a home.


Automatic Exhaust Fans are Even Better

Exhaust fans are great, but automated ones are even better! Common exhaust fans are turned on and off as needed. While this is convenient, it does lend to the fan being either left on too long, or forgotten and not used at all. Modern exhaust fans now operate by turning on and off with sensors that detect humidity or motion. This way, household members do not have to even think about turning the fan on. These fans begin operation as soon as someone enters the room or as the humidity in the room reaches a predetermined level. These exhaust fans come in several different makes and models to suit every need. Some fans even have a wireless speaker included, allowing you to enjoy your favorite tunes while you shower! The technology to give your home preventative safety measures, as well as a fun time is here. It’s all packed in an efficient exhaust fan! Many exhaust fans are even energy efficient to assure they don’t add additional utility costs.  


Safeguard Your Home with Proper Automatic Exhaust Fan Installation

The best way to deal with the threat of damage to a home is to prevent it. Exhaust fans guard against moisture damage by removing the humidity that creates favorable environments for mold and mildew to thrive. Mold and mildew cause major damage that is costly to repair or remediate. However, automatic exhaust fans with motion detectors and humidity level sensors work on their own. This keeps high-humidity zones comfortable and safe. Bring your home or business years of quiet, unobtrusive moisture control with automatic exhaust fan installation by a local, licensed HVAC service provider. Protecting your property as part of a larger overall HVAC system is always a good investment. Anything that makes air health and comfort easier is a welcome addition to the air-conditioning-aware household.


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