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Whole Home Generators

Life in Dixie Alley requires constant vigilance. With a high frequency of sky-shaking storms and powerful tornadoes, Huntsville homeowners and business owners can’t always count on power from the grid.…

Ceiling Fans & Lights

In Huntsville, ceiling fans are worth their weight in gold—ditto for reliable indoor lights and outdoor security lights. At Conditioned Air Solutions, we know how much homes and businesses throughout…


In modern cities like Huntsville, a functioning air conditioning system, powerful heating unit, and reliable electricity are far from luxuries. But modern comforts command modern prices. At Conditioned Air Solutions,…

General Electrical Repairs

These days, Huntsville’s star is burning brighter than ever! Homes and businesses throughout the Rocket City need reliable electrical service so that they can keep our city great. At Conditioned…


At Conditioned Air Solutions, we’re dedicated to the growth, health, and happiness of Alabama’s Rocket City. With over two decades of service (and counting) under our belts, we use every…

Dryer Vent Cleaning

Doing the laundry is one of the most satisfying chores. Thanks to washing and drying machines, checking this task off your to-do list is as easy as moving your hamper…

Air Purification

Out of sight, out of mind—or so the saying goes. But for homes and businesses throughout Huntsville and Madison County, what we can’t see in our air inevitably ends up…

Dehumidifiers & Humidifiers

Though we can’t always see it, the moisture in our air can have a major impact on our health. Too little moisture at home or in the office can cause…

Indoor Air Quality

The air you breathe in your home, office, warehouse, or multi-family property can have a tremendous impact on your overall health. For sensitive groups (such as those with asthma and…

Heat Pumps

By most accounts, heat pumps are the way of the future. But like any new tech, not everybody catches on all at once. In Huntsville, homeowners and business owners with…